The Enkheiridion is a complex and difficult sacred text that contains the writings of both Morrow and Thamar accumulated before their respective ascensions. These ancient books include many deliberately cryptic passages. The original Enkheiridion was written in Old Caspian and is kept in the Archcourt Cathedral of the Sancteum. Immediately after their ascensions, Thamar's and Morrow's writings in the original Enkheiridion were believed lost and thought to have been destroyed, although copies had been transcribed by hand and were preserved by priests fleeing the city. However, one of Morrow's more foremost disciples, Laertes Prado, had hidden the Enkheiridion and taken knowledge of its location to his grave. After Morrow's ascension, Prado had attempted to burn Thamar's writings, but was stopped by a vision of Morrow himself, who told Prado to bind Thamar's teachings to his own.[1]
It was several centuries before the Enkheiridion was restored by the woman who would become Ascendant Angellia, who compiled them in their present form. Asc. Angellia was also the first to copy and translate the texts into formal Caspian, which at the time was the language preferred by the educated. Modern copies of the Enkheiridion are copied by hand from Angellia's text itself a sacred relic-to preserve its complex inscriptions, notations, illuminated pages, and intricate symbols. In Khador a similarly precious translation of the original book exists in Khurzic, translated by Khardic Angellian monks.[2]
Due to the cost to produce these tomes as well as the nature of the ancient languages, the Enkheiridion is not accessible io the common layperson. The text is studied by clergy or university educated scholars. Morrowan priests have long warned against allowing untrained laity from reading Thamar's portion of the Enkheiridion in particular, as Thamar’s teachings are considered highly subversive and dangerous to unprepared minds.[2]
The religious text commonly used by the vast majority of the faithful is a heavily abridged and translated catechism. Varying slightly by region, catechisms are written in the common vernacular tongues, such as Cygnaran, Ordic, Llaelese, or Khadoran, and are produced by church printing presses. The most widely available catechisms focus almost exclusively on Morrow's teachings and include only a select few passages from Thamar to highlight the Volition. They also include tracts written by later ascendants, particularly Asc. Angellia and Asc. Rowan. Some catechisms include explanatory notations by revered theologians.[2]
Different Morrowan sects emphasize different passages of this holy text or focus on a specific ascendant as a Iens for understanding Morrow's philosophies. The most widely read collection of Morrowan doctrine is the Prayers for Battle, a tome focusing on Morrow's life as a soldier as well as lore about the Martial Trinity of Ascendants: Asc. Katrena, Asc. Solovin, and Asc. Markus. Prayers for Battle describes honorable conduct in warfare and the last rites for those who die by violence. This book is favored by pious Morrowan soldiers and is fundamental to martial orders allied to the Church of Morrow. A less widely distributed collection called The Flickering Flame is required reading by agents of the 0rder of Illumination and includes passages by Asc. Corben and Asc. Solovin but also a large number of Thamarite references, including tracts by Scion Ekris, Sc. Delesle, and Sc. Nivara in addition to Thamar herself. This collection is deemed vital to witch-hunters but is kept within the order lest its contents encourage the profane cults the order battles.
- Victory won without faith or honor is, in truth, a lasting defeat - Motto of the Precursor Knights, drawn from Morrow’s words in the Enkheiridion[3]
- Morrowan canto 5, 17:3: A wise leader loves peace but does not shirk from war. He serves as an example of righteousness to guide his men in battle and fears not death[3]