- Abidan
- Absylonia
- Accretion Servitors
- Ace
- Afflictor
- Agathia
- Agonizer
- Aiakos
- Alain Runewood
- Alchemy
- Aleksandra Zerkova
- Alexander Karchev
- Alexia Ciannor
- Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex
- Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
- Allison Jakes
- Allister Caine
- Alten Ashley
- Amador Damiano
- Ammok
- Anamag
- Anastasia Di Bray
- Ancestral Guardian
- Andrei Malakov
- Angelius
- Animantarax
- Annyssa Ryvaal
- Anson Durst
- Aradus Sentinel
- Aradus Soldier
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
- Arcane Tempest Riflemen
- Arcanist Mechanik
- Arcantrik Force Generator
- Archangel
- Archidon
- Argus
- Argus Moonhound
- Arlan Strangewayes
- Asheth Magnus
- Ashlynn D'Elyse
- Ashnephos
- Asphyxious
- Aspis
- Assault Kommando
- Assault Kommando Flame Thrower
- Assault Kommandos
- Assimilator
- Atanas Arconovich
- Athanor Locke
- Atramentous
- Attunement Servitors
- Avatar of Menoth
- Avenger
- Ayn Vanar
- Azrael
- Baldur
- Bannfield Model 603 Service Rifle
- Banshee
- Barnabas
- Bartolo Montador
- Basilisk Drake
- Basilisk Krea
- Battle Mechanik Officer
- Battle Mechaniks
- Bayal
- Beast 09
- Beast Mistress
- Behemoth
- Belphagor
- Berserker
- Beth Maddox
- Bethayne
- Bile Thralls
- Black 13th Strike force
- Black Dragon Officer & Standard
- Black Dragons
- Black Ivan
- Blackclad Stoneshaper
- Blackclad Wayfarer
- Blackfrost Shard
- Blackships
- Blasting Pike
- Blasting Powder
- Blight Wasps
- Blightbringer
- Blighted Archer Officer & Ammo Porter
- Blighted Nyss Archers
- Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters
- Blighted Nyss Legionnaires
- Blighted Nyss Raptors
- Blighted Nyss Scather Crew
- Blighted Nyss Shepherd
- Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion
- Blighted Nyss Swordsmen
- Blighted Nyss Swordsmen Abbot & Champion
- Blighted Nyss Warlord
- Blighted Ogrun Warmongers
- Blighted Ogrun Warspears
- Blighted Rotwings
- Blindwater Congregation
- Bloat Thrall
- Bloat Thrall Overseer Mobius
- Bloodweaver Night Witch
- Bloody Bradigan
- Bone Grinder
- Boneswarm
- Bosun Grogspar
- Bradigus Thorle
- Braylen Wanderheart
- Brennos the Elderhorn
- Brickhouse
- Bronzeback Titan
- Brute Thrall
- Buccaneer
- Bull Snapper
- Caen
- Calendar
- Cankerworm
- Captain Sam MacHorne & The Devil Dogs
- Carnivean
- Carrion Thralls
- Cask Imps
- Caspia
- Castigator
- Cataphract Arcuarii
- Cataphract Cetrati
- Cataphract Incindiarii
- Celestial Fulcrum
- Centurion
- Ceryl
- Champion of the Order of the Wall
- Charger
- Chimera
- Choir of Menoth
- Chosen of Everblight
- Church of Morrow
- Church of the Great Fathers
- Cipher
- Circle Orboros
- Clockatrice
- Clockwork Angels
- Coleman Stryker
- Combat Alchemists
- Conquest
- Conservator
- Constance Blaize
- Convergence of Cyriss
- Corollary
- Corruptor
- Corvis Treaties
- Croak Hunter
- Croak Raiders
- Croak Trappers
- Croe's Cutthroats
- Crucible Guard
- Crucible Guard Infantry
- Crucible Guard Mechanik
- Crusader
- Cryx
- Cult of Cyriss
- Cults of the Devourer Wurm
- Cyclone
- Cyclops Brute
- Cyclops Raider
- Cyclops Savage
- Cyclops Shaman
- Cygnar
- Cygnaran Armory
- Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service
- Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
- Cyriss
- Daemon
- Dalin Sturgis
- Dannon Blythe & Bull
- Darragh Wrathe
- Daughters of the Flame
- Dawnguard Destor Thane
- Dawnguard Destors
- Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard
- Dawnguard Invictors
- Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard
- Dawnguard Sentinel Scyir
- Dawnguard Sentinels
- Dawnguard Trident
- Death Wolves
- Deathripper
- Decimator
- Defender
- Defiler
- Deliverer Arms Master
- Deliverer Skyhammers
- Deliverer Sunburst Crew
- Demolisher
- Deneghra
- Dervish
- Desecrator
- Desert Hydra
- Destroyer
- Devastator
- Devourer Wurm
- Devout
- Dhunia
- Dhunian Faiths
- Dhunian Knot
- Diffuser
- Dire Troll
- Dire Troll Blitzer
- Dire Troll Bomber
- Dire Troll Brawler
- Dire Troll Mauler
- Dirty Meg
- Divine Court
- Doc Killingsworth
- Doom Reaver Swordsmen
- Dougal MacNaile
- Drago
- Dragon's Breath Rocket
- Dragons
- Dragonspawn
- Drake MacBain
- Dread Rots
- Druid Mist Riders
- Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
- Druid Wilder
- Druids of Orboros
- Druids of Orboros Overseer
- Durgen Madhammer
- Dwarves
- Dynamo
- E. Dominic Darius
- Earthborn Dire Troll
- Elimination Servitors
- Elves
- Enigma Foundry
- Enkheiridion
- Eradicators
- Everblight
- Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
- Exemplar Bastions
- Exemplar Cinerators
- Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
- Exemplar Errant Seneschal
- Exemplar Errants
- Exemplar Vengers
- Extoller Advocate
- Extoller Soulward
- Fane Knight Guardian
- Fane of Nyssor
- Fane of Scyrah
- Farilor Maelwyrr Aeryn
- Farrow Brigands
- Farrow Slaughterhousers
- Farrow Valkyries
- Fell Caller Hero
- Fennblade Kithkar
- Fenris
- Feral Warpwolf
- Feralgeist
- Field Mechaniks
- Fiona the Black
- Firearms
- Firefly
- First Mate Hawk
- Flame Bringers
- Flameguard Cleanser Officer
- Flameguard Cleansers
- Forsaken
- Fraternal Order of Wizardry
- Freebooter
- Fyanna
- Gallant
- Galleon
- Gallows Grove
- Galvanizer
- Garrick Voyle
- Gatorman Bokor
- Gatorman Husk
- Gatorman Posse
- Gatorman Soul Slave
- Gatorman Witch Doctor
- Gatormen
- Ghetorix
- Ghordson Avalancher
- Ghordson Basher
- Ghordson Driller
- Ghost Sniper
- Glacier King
- Gnarlhorn Satyr
- Gobbers
- Golab
- Gorag Rotteneye
- Gorax Rager
- Gorgon
- Gorman Di Wulfe
- Gorten Grundback
- Grayle
- Great Fathers of the Dwarves
- Grenadier
- Greygore Boomhowler & Co.
- Greylord Adjunct
- Greylord Escort
- Greylord Forge Seer
- Greylord Outriders
- Greylord Ternion
- Griffon
- Grim Angus
- Grissel Bloodsong
- Grolar
- Grotesque Assassin
- Grotesque Banshees
- Grotesque Raiders
- Grundback Blaster
- Grundback Gunner
- Grymkin
- Guardian
- Gun Mage Captain Adept
- Gurvalt Irusk
- Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps
- Hammerfall High Shield Officer and Standard Bearer
- Hammersmith
- Harlan Versh
- Harpy
- Harrier
- Harrison Gibbs
- Harrower
- Hearthgut Hooch Hauler
- Heavy Rifle Teams
- Helios
- Hellmouth
- Hellslinger Phantom
- Herne & Jonne
- Hexeris
- Hierophant
- Hoarluk Doomshaper
- Hollowmen
- Holy Zealots
- Horgenhold Artillery Corps
- Horgenhold Forge Guard
- Horgle Ironstrike
- Horror / Conscriptus
- House Ellowuyr Swordsman Officer & Standard
- House Ellowuyr Swordsmen
- House Mateu