Originally developed as a frontline Cygnaran warjack, the Talon is a common sight in today’s black markets and salvage yards. After decades of service, the Cygnaran Royal Armory decommissioned the chassis in favor of more modern designs like the Charger. Despite their retirement, Talons have remained a favorite among mercenaries with the gold or influence to acquire them.
The Talon’s armament relies on a predecessor to modern cortex-shock technology called “stalling,” which uses a negatively tuned apparatus in the head of a stun lance to send conflicting signals to a defender’s cortex. These commands cause warjacks to falter and palsy, making quick movements difficult or even impossible. Eventually the cortex will correct this interference, but sometimes a few moments is all the Talon needs to land a critical blow with its lance or spiked shield or for other allied forces to take advantage of the lapse in order to concentrate fire.
Newer, more technologically advanced ’jacks are in production throughout western Immoren, but those commanders who do not have access to royal coffers or government taxes must use what is available. Though expensive, the pervasive and effective Talon will no doubt remain a part of mercenary and freelance forces for many years to come.