One of the few respected Llaelese warjack designs to grace the battlefield, the Vanguard demonstrates the genius of the Order of the Golden Crucible. Designed as a mechanikal bodyguard as well as an offensive weapon, this lithe, four-ton killer uses a long-hafted guisarme and an ingenious large-caliber cannon built into its tower shield to slaughter anyone approaching its warcaster. Able to keep up with the fastest ’casters and shield them from danger, the Vanguard is a highly prized companion to any mercenary looking to make a living of conflict.
Only a small number of Vanguards escaped the Khadoran invasion unscathed, and mercenaries who managed to acquire one consider it well worth the cost to keep running. Repairing these machines requires a deft and practiced hand, allowing those capable mechaniks to charge accordingly. Once a badge of honor among noble warriors, the Vanguard is now a sign of affluence for the sell-swords able to afford them.