Iron Kingdoms Wiki
War Wolf

War Wolf about charge at a target

War Wolves are considered as kin by the Wolves of Orboros and this attitude literally extends to fighting side-by-side with half-wild animals and speaking of them as brothers. The hulking beasts kept by the Wolves are of stocky mountain breeds found in northern Khador and among the Cygnaran Wyrmwall Mountains. They bring speed, exceptional senses, and raw killing power as their natural assets.[1]

The breeds chosen by these warriors do not behave as their wilder kin but are not tamed hounds bred for war. They are something in-between. Tales passed down through the older families of the Wolves of Orboros describe the animals hunting alongside mountain men of ancient Molgur tribes. Perhaps there was some compact made between the ancestors of these men and wolves that bound them together. For reasons not well understood, the wolves immediately recognize the scent of these scions and seek them out. The animals offer themselves to their allies fully, not even begrudging the warriors their pelts. War wolves do not respond to shouted commands but instead fight on their own initiative. They are cunning creatures, however, and do not need to be told to lie in wait until the spears of the Wolves have pinned an enemy in place. They circle at the ready and move from behind to take the enemy unaware. At the distinctive sound of the reeves’ crossbows they leap from the trees as a blur of ghostly fur,  their fangs bared to tear into tendons and muscle.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Forces of Hordes: Circle Orboros